Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The evils of my addiction

Here at the courthouse, it was time for lunch. I went out to the car to get my food and had to come back in through the security checkpoint. Unfortunately, I dropped my headphones, and when I reached to grab them, I dropped my computer bag since it was just on the one shoulder. That is something that I never do, but since it was about to go through the security checkpoint, I figured it was okay to have it there. If only I had put it on the belt instead of reaching!

Anyway, one of the cans of Mountain Dew that was in my computer bag exploded.

I didn't realize this, of course, so it had plenty of time to soak up into my library book and a multitude of papers that I had kept in my bag. Luckinly, my iPad and wireless keyboard were both snugly in a separate pocket. But, oh the joy, I got to spend about 35 minutes using more than my share of napkins to try and mop it up from the interior of my bag. I don't know if it is technically machine washable or not, but I am either going to have to do that or else embark on the attack of the wet wipes.

I have been selected for the jury, so my students will have to do without me for the next few days, but hopefully they will buck up and push themselves to do what is right even if they don't have me in their face trying to push them to do what is right. Well, lunch break is over so I am headed back into the courtroom now.

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